
My aim is to collaborate with you to provide a programme to suit you and your individual needs.

Based on our discussions, I will provide tailored advice, and as such the prices can vary. This allows me to give you the best service for the fairest possible price.

Please see below an overview of the packages available, with indicative pricing to follow:

motion chef monthly

£199 per month

This package includes three, one hour consultations, either face to face or via video call along with a cooking lesson which will be approximately 2-3 hours long

These will be weekly meetings in which I will support, educate and motivate you on your path to reach your end goal. I aim to empower you with the knowledge enabling you to have a better understanding, therefore more control over the food you eat and your physical wellbeing. We will go over topics, like nutrition, cooking, fitness, mindset, motivation, accountability, and sleep. We will set out a personal plan and I will be there helping you stick to it. You will have access to my recipes and recipe videos that will compliment your plan and inspire you to cook tasty food that you enjoy. 

During the cooking lesson we will continue with our nutritional advice, and I will also teach you how to cook a new recipe along with tips and tricks to help improve your cooking abilities. This is a fun way to experiment with new food and to help you on your way to cook like a professional chef! I can guarantee you will learn something new, whilst having fun in the process. My lessons are easy and relaxed, with the option to cook something of your choice. Ideally, lessons will take place in your home, thus allowing you to learn how to cook with the equipment you have available, whilst in a familiar and comfortable setting. These sessions can either be face to face or alternatively over a video chat, should it suit you better.

motion chef programme deal

£179 per month

Sign up for three months of the Motion Chef Monthly and save £60

You will get three, one hour consultations, either face to face or via video call along with a cooking lesson which will be approximately 2-3 hours long.

Cooking lesson

£50 per hour

Hire me for cookery lessons for any level, personal or corporate, one on one or groups. Get in touch to talk through the different options.

One off Nutrition coaching session

£50 per hour

I can also offer a one-off nutrition consultation, which will allow us to talk through specific topics or goals you are hoping to achieve.